Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Microbiology terms and definitions from Y


Yaws definition

  • A tropical disease caused by Treponema pertenue that produces granulomatous ulcers on the extremities and occasionally on the bone but does not produce a central nervous system or cardiovascular complications. (Foundation in Microbiology by Talaro and Chess)

Yeast definition

  • (1) A type of unicellular, nonfilamentous fungus that resembles bacterial colonies when grown in culture. (2) A term sometimes used to denote the unicellular form of pathogenic fungi. (Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology)
  • The single-celled growth form of various fungi. (Brock Biology of Microorganisms)
  • Single-celled, budding fungi. (Foundation in Microbiology by Talaro and Chess)
  • Nonfilamentous, unicellular fungi. (Microbiology: An Introduction by Tortora, Funke, and Case)
  • A unicellular, uninuclear fungus that reproduces either asexually by budding or fission, or sexually through spore formation. (Prescott’s Microbiology)

Yeast Artificial Chromosome (YAC) definition

  • A genetically engineered chromosome with yeast origin of replication and centromere sequence. (Brock Biology of Microorganisms)
  • Engineered DNA that contains all the elements required to propagate a chromosome in yeast and is used to clone foreign DNA fragments in yeast cells. (Prescott’s Microbiology)

Yeast infection definition

  • Disease caused by the growth of certain yeasts in a susceptible host. (Microbiology: An Introduction by Tortora, Funke, and Case)

Yellow fever definition

  • Best-known arboviral disease. Yellow fever is transmitted by mosquitoes. Its symptoms include fever, headache, and muscle pain that can proceed to oral hemorrhage, nosebleeds, vomiting, jaundice, and liver and kidney damage. (Foundation in Microbiology by Talaro and Chess)

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