Sunday, August 9, 2020


  •  Last few decades, great progress made three areas profoundly affect microbial classification.
  • First, learned about detailed structure of microbial cells
    from the use of electron microscopy.
  •  Second, microbiologists has determined biochemical and physiological characteristics of many different microorganisms. 
  • Third,Sequences of nucleic acids and proteins from a wide variety of organisms.

  • Carl Woese in the 1970s, instrumental in demonstrating two very different groups of prokaryotic organisms: Bacteria and Archaea.
  • Bacteria and Archaea, which has been classified as Monera in the five-kingdom system.
  • Studies based on rRNA comparisons suggested Protista was not cohesive taxonomic unit and that it should be divided into three or more kingdoms.
  • Studies and others have led many taxonomists to conclude that the five-kingdom system is too simple.
  • A number of alternatives  suggested,that microbiologists believe that organisms should be divided among three domains: Bacteria (the true bacteria or eubacteria), Archaea, and Eucarya (all eucaryotic organisms).
  • A brief description of the three domains and of the microorganisms placed in them follows:
  • Bacteria are prokaryotes that are usually single-celled organisms .
  • Most have cell walls that contain the structural molecule peptidoglycan.
  • They are abundant in soil, water, and air and are also major inhabitants of our skin, mouth, and intestines. 
  • Some bacteria live in environments that have extreme temperatures, pH, or salinity.
  • some bacteria cause disease, many play more beneficial roles such as cycling elements in the biosphere, breaking down dead plant and animal material, and producing vitamins. 
  • Cyanobacteria produce significant amounts of oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.
  • Archaea are prokaryotes that are distinguished from Bacteria by many features, most notably their unique ribosomal RNA sequences.
  • Unusual metabolic characteristics, such as the methanogens, which generate methane gas.
  • Many archaea are found in extreme environments. Pathogenic archaea have not yet been identified. 
  • Domain Eukarya includes microorganisms classified as protists or Fungi. Animals and plants are also placed in this domain.
  • Protists are generally larger than prokaryotes and include unicellular algae, protozoa, slime molds, and water molds. 
  • Algae are photosynthetic protists that together with the cyanobacteria produce about 75% of the planet’s oxygen. They are also the foundation of aquatic food chains.
  • Protozoa are unicellular, animal-like protists that are usually motile. 
  • Many free-living protozoa function as the principal hunters and grazers of the microbial world. 
  • Nutrients by ingesting organic matter and other microbes.
  • Many different environments and normal inhabitants of the intestinal tracts
    of animals, where they aid in digestion of complex materials such as cellulose.
  • Slime molds are protists like protozoa in one stage of their life cycle, but are like fungi in another.
  •  protozoan phase, they hunt and engulf food particles, consuming decaying vegetation and other microbes. 
  • Water moldsimplies,that are found on the surface water of freshwater sources and moist soilThey feed on decaying vegetation such as logs and mulch. 
  • Some water molds has produced devastating plant infections, including Great Potato Famine of 1846–1847.
  • Fungi are   diverse group of microorganisms ranges from unicellular forms (yeasts) to molds and mushrooms.
  • Molds and mushrooms are multicellular fungi that form thin, threadlike structures called hyphae.
  • They absorb nutrients from their environment, including the organic molecules that they used as a source of carbon and energy. 
  • Because of their metabolic capabilities, many fungi play beneficial roles, including making bread rise, producing antibiotics, and decomposing dead organisms. 
  • Other fungi cause plant diseases and diseases in humans and other animals.
  • Viruses are acellular entities that invade a host cell in
    order to replicate.
  •  They are smallest to all microbes (the smallest is 10,000 times smaller than a typical bacterium).
  • Small size belives their power—they cause many animal and plant diseases and have caused epidemics that have shaped human history. 
  • The diseases that cause include smallpox, rabies, influenza, AIDS, the common cold, and some cancers.



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